Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Would You Love Me If...?

A few years ago, I was talking with one of the (many) extremely wise older ladies in our church about raising kids. She was telling me how she and her husband used to play a game with their kids every night at bedtime. The kids would ask, "Would you love me if I..." and make up scenarios that would test a parent's love. And my friend and her husband would assure the children that, yes, they would love them in and through any circumstance.

I was just telling Steve last night that the boys are getting to the age where it might be a good idea to do that. I envisioned Andrew coming up with some real imaginary humdingers. Steve and I would talk with him about consequences and sorrow over poor choices but ultimately assure Andrew that we will always love him, no matter what. We would be Noble Parents! Andrew and Adam would be Rooted and Grounded in the Assurance of Their Parents' Love!

Tonight the dinner menu was grilled Hawaiian pork kebabs with red onion and pineapple over rice. I expected fits from the kids as anything that does not begin with "Macaroni and Cheese" is usually challenged. But when they saw the shish kebab skewers, their faces lit up. Dinner on a stick! Brilliant. (Note to self: look for ways to serve meatloaf and mashed potatoes on skewers...) The kids dug right in and ate well. I was sitting in a rather dazed feeling of bliss that dinner had gone over so smashingly when Steve interrupted my dreamlike haze by yelling, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"

Andrew had carved his name in the table with the shish kebab skewer. And because what Andrew does, Adam must also...so had Adam.

So tonight (after Steve and I heartily conveyed our feelings about carving furniture with skewers, took away dessert, and sent the boys to their rooms), we got to introduce "Would You Still Love Me If...(I carved your table with a shish kebab skewer)?" at bedtime and assure the boys that we do still love them.

I thought this game was supposed to be hypothetical.


  1. Nice!!! I could so see Davis doing the same thing! Time for a new table perhaps? Or just leave it as is and the each have a permanent place card?

  2. ha! no way. a new table would be casting pearls before swine. i think we'll wait till our little piggies have some better manners before we invest in a new trough for them.

  3. Such a great game! You guys are such good parents! :-)

  4. I am still laughing . . . Can't wait to see the art work. However, in time, it will be absolutely priceless and you won't want to get rid of the table.


  5. Sounds like their gangee to me!!!

