Thursday, December 2, 2010

What I Found

Last night around 10:00 empty bed and no Andrew:

Next to Andrew's bed:

Upon further inspection:

Someone remind me why we buy furniture for these children?

And today I found more!

This morning in the music room...I found two little cousins:

And a little later in the kitchen...check out the floor:

I don't think Mary Caroline wanted this to be found.

There's always something interesting to be found around here!


  1. Is Andrew still wearing footie pajamas at SEVEN?! That is SO not fair! Molly decided she won't wear them this year...sad! :-(

    He's quite the creative little guy isn't he? Too cute!

    Looks like Libby and Mary Caroline are trouble together! :-)

  2. That is too funny! There is many a night (or morning) that I go to check on Davis only to find him missing. He has usually snuck upstairs and crawled in bed with one of his sisters (usually Sidney, because Madison kicks him Love the box fort though!
