Friday, April 23, 2010

Bibby Ooo-Hoo

That's what Libby calls herself these days -- Libby-ese for "Libby Lou Who."

She is quite the character.

Recently she picked up a pair of character-themed boys' underpants and yelled, "Spongebob!" (Really, she yelled, "Shunjjobb!" but I knew what she meant.) Yikes. I realized my 22-month-old could correctly identify Spongebob but had no idea who Elmo was. Definitely not appropriate. So we have spent some time learning about Abby Cadabby (L's favorite), Big Bird, and Elmo. Libby loves reading her Elmo books. She really does not watch TV but will occasionally sit down for some "Play With Me Sesame" that I DVR'ed for her. She likes to be accessorized while she watches.

Libby also enjoys talking on the phone. Recently I got a new phone, so she inherited my old one. She could not be more delighted to own a "real" phone. The fake ones don't fool her for a minute. The past few days she has been picking up her phone, holding it to her ear, and saying things like "Jaaabwa gaashaaa adwaaa...Hi, Abby...mmm hmmm, mmmm hmmm...zzaaadaaa oikadoik daadaaadoi...Hi, Abby...mmm hmmm, mmm hmmm..." I certainly don't know where she got that.

Bibby Ooo-Hoo, we love you!

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