Thursday, February 25, 2010

Are Those Flashing Lights in My Rearview Mirror?

Holy smokes. It's the Grammar Police! And they are after me. I was just idly re-reading my "About Me" section on this blog. To my shock and embarrassment, I realized I had written, "I keep this blog for a couple different reasons." And then I proceeded to list three reasons.

As most people in the English-speaking world (and certainly all former members of Mr. Webb's 8th-grade English class and most definitely *cough cough* former English teachers) know, "couple" means two, not three.

I am properly horrified with myself. Even more so because that error was out there for almost three months -- a few months, not a couple months.

Lieutenant Lexicon and Officer Oxymoron let me go with a warning and a promise to fix the problem immediately (I did). They knew I'd be harder on myself than they could ever be.

Oh, the shame.


  1. Ha ha that's something most people would never notice.

  2. Oh your posts make me laugh. And yes, I do think that thanks to Mr. Webb's 8th grade English class, I am much more in tune with English grammar than I probably care to be. I better be on the look out for the grammar police myself!
