Friday, September 18, 2009

Shock and Awe

The only words we have to describe this:

Steve and I had been despairing of Andrew ever learning to ride a two-wheeler. It's concerning enough that Andrew's life plan is to live in his dinosaur room upstairs and go to work with Steve every day when he grows up. I will still be packing this kid's lunch when he's 35. But to envision him as a grown-up living at home, wearing a pocket protector to work, carting his lunch off in his Pottery Barn Kids lunchbox every day, and still not being able to ride a bike without training wheels...well, let's just say my prospects of ever welcoming a daughter-in-law and dandling grandchildren on my knee in my old age were beginning to look grim.

However (cue the Hallelujah chorus), after Andrew heard about his buddy Seth's recent success, he told Steve to take the training wheels off his (what seems now ridiculously small) bike. Then he hopped on his bike and pretty much took off. Really, just like that. He still needs help getting started and making turns, but the basic skill is there! Way to go, Andrew!

It seems just yesterday we were so proud to be watching him ride his bike for the very first time:

I may hold those grandchildren yet.


  1. Way to go, Andrew!! Did he get to enjoy some hard-earned ice cream as well? If not, he deserves some (and can we join you?). :-)
