Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Quacky and Grunty

Six years ago, my friend Jen and I were eagerly awaiting the births of our babies -- mine was due in November, and hers was due a full month later in December. Well, Andrew surprised us by showing up exactly on his due date (the last day I would have expected him, the way everyone warned me not to get excited about my due date!), and Seth surprised Jen by showing up a month early on Thanksgiving Day. So the boys are actually a week and a half apart in age. Look at how sweet they were:

We called Andrew "Quacky" (and I am secretly delighted that he will still answer to it), and Seth was "Grunty." (He no longer responds, preferring "Zippy" or "Socks." Well, he doesn't actually know about "Socks" yet...I'm hoping to start a trend.) But Quack and Socks have been friends since before they were born. They've gone on secret missions together:

They've gone to three years of preschool together. They've gone to church together since birth. But this week the tradition ends as Andrew and Seth head off to kindergarten at two different schools. And, while the boys seem to be taking it in stride, I am inordinately sad about this for them. I would love to hear them toasting each other at their weddings one day, sharing school stories about the pranks they pulled apples they lovingly polished for their teachers, the sports teams they played on together, the detention they snickered through National Honor Society meetings they attended, and so on.

So today Jen and I arranged a last summer fling for the boys and Adam and Libby before Quacky and Socks head their separate ways. Everyone had a great time! Unbelievably, those babies Jen and I just brought home from the hospital yesterday are now swimming, joking, growing big boys who will soon head off for larger pastures.

Seth, you've been a faithful friend for Andrew all these years. I hope kindergarten is wonderful for you and that you grow in stature and wisdom and in favor with God and man. Goodbyes are so hard. We will miss you so much. Goodbye. Goodbye.

(See you at church Sunday, Socks.)


  1. Aww - you made me cry! What a great post. And I, of course, love the new nick name. I'll throw it out there to Mr. Old Man Before His Time and see what kind of response I get. :-) Good luck to Andrew tomorrow. Sniff, sniff.

  2. What a sweet post! Good luck to both the boys at kindergarten.
