Saturday, August 15, 2009

Tender Moments

Just in from a wonderful women's brunch with the other ladies at church. Wearing a casual summer skirt. The boys and Libby are wrestling around on the floor with Steve playing "THE CLAW." I get down on the floor to join in.

"Hey, Adam, want to fly?" I ask. He nods enthusiastically. I position my bare feet on his tummy, hold his hands, and lift him into the air. He giggles and holds out his arms like Superman. His eyes are sparkling. I know we are bonding and that on a deep level, his little boy's heart is connecting with mine.

"Hey, Mom?" he says.

"What, Superman?" I ask, thinking how he's going to tell me this is a memory he'll cherish forever and how much he appreciates what a hands-on (or feet-on, in this case) mom I'm being.

"I see your UNDERPANTS!!!! Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"


  1. HA! This made me laugh out loud. That kid is too funny! :-)

  2. Always and ever your predictably unpredictable joke-ster! :-)
