Saturday, January 8, 2011

Priests and Robbers

Last year Adam came home from preschool and told me that for snack they had crackers and wine. Obviously I knew that couldn't be right. I had to get to the bottom of it. Were they playing "communion" at the Presbyterian preschool? Our church (also Presbyterian) uses grape juice. They don't even give wine to adults. So why would they give it to preschoolers? And what kind of wine tastes "a little like lemonade," anyway? It took a few minutes, but once I put my Mommy Translator to work and figured in Adam's squeaky little speech quirks, I figured out they'd had lime drink for snack.

So I should have been more on the ball last week when Adam told me about a cool new game they were playing at preschool. "It's called Pwiests and Wobbers," he told me. Priests and Robbers? That sounded a little odd, but he was so enthusiastic. Eyes sparkling, he told me how the priests chased the robbers around the gym and chuckled with glee as he said that he got to be a "wobber." (Heaven help us.)

Again I was left wondering about what goes on at this preschool. In my mind I pictured the kids getting into the costume box and donning 1940's priests' cassocks and black-and-white striped prison outfits with black masks, a la the Hamburglar, and chasing each other around the gym with rosaries and giant fake-jeweled crosses.

I guess with all that's been going on with our injured reserve list around here, I was content just to think, "Strange...but whatever" about Priests and Robbers for a few days. But yesterday it came to mind again, and the light bulb finally went on: This can't be right. What if I applied the Mommy Translator? It only took a couple minutes.


Oh. Police and Robbers.

That makes so much more sense.

But still, Priests and Robbers might be kind of cool.

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