Monday, March 9, 2009

9-Month Stats

I couldn't resist another muppet picture...

Libby is 9 months old! Hard to believe when in my mind, I'm still pregnant with Adam. Anyway, we went to the pediatrician for her 9-month checkup today. She is 22 lbs., 2 oz. (94th %ile) and 30 inches (actually off the charts, so Dr. Ezzo put down 99th %ile just to be able to put down the official "putting down place"). I find it so unbelievable that this little girl whose sweet face and nature remind me so much of my tiny little 5' 2" Grandma Ruby and who came from my 5' 2 3/4" body is, well, kind of a beast. Guess who's going to college on a basketball scholarship?

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