Friday, July 9, 2010

Moooove Over, Halloween

Today I discovered something that brings out my inner dork artist. That would be Cow Appreciation Day at Chick Fil A, our family's fast-food restaurant of choice. Every year Chick Fil A invites its customers to dress up as cows and come in for (free!) food. There are games and prizes, a cow mascot, and lots of people running around with black spots pinned to their shirts. We've been at Chick Fil A on Cow Appreciation Day in years past, but never on purpose. (When you visit CFA as often as we do, you just stumble into these things.)

I have to say, I am loving this season of time with the kids being 6, 4, and 2 years old. Everyone is old enough to walk places under his own power. No diaper bags, strollers, bottles, or baby food. If Libby misses a nap once in a while, it's not great, but it's not a complete tragedy. We're just more "portable" as a family unit overall. And at the same time, all the kids are still young enough to be thrilled by little things and enjoy them together. All of them will watch "Sesame Street" together. Santa and the Easter Bunny? Believed in and celebrated by all. I know this time won't last long. So when Cow Day was advertised this year, it just seemed like it would be do-able for the family and that the kids would think it was really fun.

What I didn't know was how much fun I'd have getting ready for Cow Day. (I know, I really need to get out more.) But, even though it was a little last-minute, something about planning and crafting the costumes was quite therapeutic! And the kids were so excited to dress up.

Here is my herd grazing on the front lawn

Mama and her little calves at Chick Fil A

"And-moo" and the CFA mascot
It was a really fun trip. The kids loved walking into the restaurant and mooing -- even Libby. (She really roared more than mooed, but whatever.) All went well until the cow mascot, which is pretty giant, walked up to greet the kids. Libby freaked out. Even after we came home, Libby was looking around every corner, worried she'd find that cow. And now we have to spell "c-o-w" lest we induce more frenzies of fear. My poor little calf.

So, providing that (A) we can convince Libby that the cow will not get near her and (B) the kids at ages 7, 5, and 3 still think dressing up like cows is cool, we are going to Cow Day again next year. I'm already planning the costumes. They're going to be moo-velous.


  1. Very impressive. I don't know which I admire more -- the creativity with the costumes, or the strength to take 3 young kids to a crowded restaurant. I'm glad you all (mostly) had fun!

  2. You guys look so cute!! Love it! :-)

  3. As much fun to read as it was for your family at c-o-w day.
