Sunday, January 3, 2010

Gamblers Anonymous

Steve and Andrew have been reading How to Eat Fried Worms every night at bedtime. One of the first scenes of the book involves a bet in which the main character is challenged to eat 15 worms in 15 days. At first, Andrew did not understand the concept of "betting." (He's really not savvy about the things of the world, and for the most part I like it that way.) After Steve explained what a bet was, Andrew had a self-proclaimed "great idea."

Andrew: Dad, since I vote for the Panthers (yeah, did I mention not savvy? we may need to address "voting" for sports teams), I will make you a bet. If the Panthers win tomorrow's game, you have to make my bed for a month.

Steve: What if the Panthers lose? What do I get?

Andrew: I will make your bed for a month.

I know it's shameful to side against my own child, but so is encouraging gambling. And if Steve wins, I benefit by having my bed made for a month. So I am hereby withdrawing my application for Parent of the Year and saying, "GO SAINTS!"


  1. Sorry about your luck. Looks like Andrew will be enjoying a month of free bed-making! Maybe he is on a roll and you should have him call out 5 numbers for you to play in the "education lottery".

  2. Todd says he'll come make Andrew's bed if the Panthers continue to win all next season! I'm not holding my breath!!!!

    I would have taken that bet too though - with the Panthers track record and all! Well, Andrew, enjoy your bed making free month!
